Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto

Discussion Questions

1. Vera has a strong personality! She is regimented, opinionated, and interfering. She is also lonely, well-meaning, and loving. Did you find Vera to be meddlesome or did you love her character? How did your opinion of Vera affect your overall enjoyment of the book?  

2. Did you agree with Vera’s decision to take the investigation into her own hands? Would you have done the same in her shoes?

3. In addition to Vera, we also hear the story through her four main suspects: Julia, Riki, Sana, and Oliver. What did you think of the author’s decision to alternate between five different points of view?

4. More than murder, what do you believe is the book’s underlying theme? Did you enjoy the dramatic elements of the story?

5. The book blends humor, mystery, and drama. What humorous moments stood out most to you?

6. Tea and food are prominently featured in the book. Did you learn anything about Chinese teas and medicine? What dish of Vera’s would you most like to taste?

7. Did you anticipate the ending? Were you able to guess the murderer before they were revealed, or were you surprised?

8. Overall, how did you feel about the conclusion to the story?

9. Would you read more mysteries featuring Vera Wong? If there are future installments, what would you like to change?
