The Invisible Husband of Frick Island by Colleen Oakley

Discussion Questions

1. Frick Island is a remote community with a “small town” vibe. If you lived there, what would you miss from the mainland? How might living in a small, remote place be better than living in an urban area?

2. When we first meet Anders, he is driven by his career and by the prospect of success. Why do you think achievement matters so much to him? Does his motivation change by the end of the book?

3. When Anders “meets” Tom for the first time, he must decide whether or not to pretend Tom is there. Do you think he made the right decision? What would you have done?

4. Oakley writes that the ways in which people grieve are “as varied as the waves that lapped up on Graver’s Beach at the far end of the island.” Have you ever been surprised by the way you or someone you know has coped with loss? Do you think Piper’s expression of grief is as valid as more stereotypical expressions?

5. “It’s amazing what people will do for the ones they love.” The entire island decides to go along with Piper’s delusion as a way of supporting her in her grief. Has anyone in your life ever shown love or kindness in an amazing or unique way?

6. After getting to know Piper and the issues facing Frick Island, Anders realizes that the island community is “a microcosm for so many issues people faced all across the country.” Do you think he’s right? In what ways does your own community encapsulate the issues faced by society (and the world) at large?

7. Why does it take so long for Anders to realize he’s in love with Piper? Did you like where the ending of the book left their relationship? Why or why not?

8. What do you think author Colleen Oakley wanted to say in The Invisible Husband of Frick Island? Is this mainly a story about grief, about love, or about something else? Which part stood out to you the most?
